The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Cause Causes Certain Effect. (C > E) Your results are the effects of your thinking and behaviour. When I say Results I mean every single thing in your life. There are Reasons (for not getting results) or Results. If you think about it any outcome that you created in your life must have come from a behaviour that you produced. There can’t be more on the effect side than it is on the cause side.
Focus on what you want, i.e. positive thoughts, because by Law that is what will come back to you… cause and effect… Be at cause for what you want, and you will get the effect. All thought is creative, so be careful what you wish for... you will get it. How empowering is it to be on the Cause side of life and how disempowering is it to be on the effect side. Think about when you’re 90 or 140 years old, how valuable will those excuses be? Accept responsibility and look for the learning, rather than hide behind your pride and reject the fact that you are the Cause for your behaviour which causes Results in your life. You see the moment you reject the Cause, you close yourself off to the. And you will probably continue to create the same results, until you learn what you need in order to grow and expand. Learnings means Resources, they are strategies, decisions, beliefs that you can utilize in the future so that whatever happened in the past won’t repeat itself. You need to learn in order to grow; your comfort zone is living in the illusion that you and everything can stay the way it is. In nature nothing can stay the way it is, you’re either busy growing or dying. Are you on the effect side, with no power to do or change anything? Or are you on the Cause side, where you are in charge of your life and the results that you are creating. You can’t play half way, you are either on the CAUSE side for every single result that you created in your life, and I mean everything. Because the moment you exclude any result you step onto the Effect side. You become a hypocrite, changing the rules where you see fit. “Which side of the Cause and Effect equation are you on?” |
AuthorTammy is a highly sought after Coach and Therapist. She is a qualified Master NLP Practitioner, Certified NLP Trainer, Master Hypnotist, Life Coach. Categories